Visit Savannah is happy to assist productions that choose Savannah as their film destination! All services are available at no cost. Download our Visit Savannah Film Packet for everything you need to know about filming in Savannah!
Housing Assistance
Visit Savannah is your one-stop shopping resource for cast and crew housing when shooting in the Savannah/Tybee Island area. As the tourism bureau for the region, Visit Savannah can help satisfy all of your requirements for lodging and amenities — at no cost.
We communicate with lodging partners throughout the community for you and report back with a compiled list of rate options. Housing options include, but are not limited to, the Historic District, Tybee Island, Southside, Gateway and Midtown locations. Visit Savannah works quickly and efficiently to get the lodging rates back to your housing coordinator.
Request Housing Information
Visit Savannah gives housing assistance to all production companies seeking to film in the Savannah area at no cost. We’ll communicate with lodging partners throughout the community for you and provide you with all your lodging options within your budget.
Get to know all things Savannah! We’ll provide you and your crew with plenty of Savannah Insiders’ Guides, Relocation Guides, helpful maps and more. Your crew will be familiarized with the city in no time.
Event Planning Assistance
Need help planning a wrap-up party? We have expert knowledge of Savannah’s event venues, caterers, entertainment and much more. With the right set-up, your wrap party will truly be one for the books!
Film Perks Pass
We’ve arranged exclusive deals throughout the city specifically for film crew members. Enjoy special offers on Savannah’s finest restaurants, attractions and tours with our Film Perks Pass. To be eligible for a discount, you must present Film Perks Pass to participating places of business. Check out all of the sweet deals the Film Perks Pass will get you below!