Parking in Savannah

Who has time to worry about parking regulations in Savannah? Fear not, dear friends. We've laid it all out for you!
From streets to garages, parking passes to mobile apps - everything you need to know is covered below so you can park and fugettaboutit!
Don’t Get Towed Away!
We’ve Got the Best Parking Tips in Town
The City of Savannah operates over 3,000 metered parking spaces, 5 public parking garages, and 6 surface lots in downtown Savannah. Mobility & Parking Services manages these public assets.
City Parking Garages
City Parking Lots
Visitor Parking Passes
North of Liberty Street: Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., excluding city-authorized holidays
South of Liberty Street: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding city-authorized holidays
Visitor Parking Passes
A Visitor DAYPASS allows limited parking in any City parking garage/lot, overtime parking in limited-time zones or parking at any parking meter with a time limit of one hour or more for 48 hours from purchase. The Visitor DAYPASS is available to Savannah visitors for $15.00 for a 24-hour pass and $24.00 for a 48-hour pass.
The Visitor DAYPASS is available at:
- Mobility & Parking Services, 100 East Bryan Street, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
To purchase a VDP you must provide your license plate number/state on the vehicle.
Disability Parking Spaces
The City of Savannah provides disability parking spaces for the exclusive use of vehicles displaying the appropriate permit. The spaces are dispersed in all areas of the City and include free spaces as well as metered spaces. The spaces are located on-street throughout the City, in city-owned garages, and in City-operated lots. The disabled permit spaces in the Historic Landmark District all require payment for parking. For more information, call (912) 651-6470.
Historic District Accessibility Guide (PDF)
ParkSavannah Parking App.
With ParkSavannah, drivers can now easily pay for parking from their mobile phone.
ParkSavannah is available for free from the App Store or Google Play. You can also sign up and pay for parking by visiting
Towed or Booted Vehicles
If your vehicle has been booted, do not attempt to remove the boot. Please call Mobility & Parking Services at (912) 651-6470, toll free at 1-866-239-4218 during normal business hours. Call (912) 651-6477 after 5 p.m.
In the case of a towed vehicle, you may dial the same numbers shown above or you may also call the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department at (912) 651-6476.
Meter Bagging Process & Permit
Individuals may apply for meter-bagging permits to reserve a portion of on-street parking on a short-term basis. Examples of uses which may require this include: weddings in the squares, moving from a downtown apartment or business or a neighborhood event. To be permitted to bag a meter, an individual must apply for a city right-of-way permit.
City Right-of-Way Permit Application (PDF)
Tybee Island Parking
For more information on Tybee Island's public parking and metered spaces, click here.
Park TYB Mobile App
The Tybee Island mobile parking app makes paying for parking a breeze from your beach chair. Available on the Apple Store and Android Play Store, visitors can download the free PARK TYB mobile app and park anywhere they see Park TYB mobile app signs & decals.
How to Access the Park TYB Mobile mobile app:
- Search PARK TYB on your device
- Download for free
- Sign Up using your phone number
- Verify your phone number with a 3-digit code sent via text message or phone call
- Create a PIN
- Add vehicle using your license plate number and state
- Pick your zone and add time to your digital meter. $3.50/hour with a 2-hour minimum